
Step 1: Should I go to a Grad School?

Step 1:

Are you considering going to a Graduate School? Are you aware of all your options and what a graduate program involves – financially, mentally, and emotionally?

Entering a graduate program is an important decision that will affect your life for 2-3 years and should not be taken lightly.

Step 2: Finding a Grad School

Step 2:

Whether you are an American student or an International student ready to embark on a graduate degree, there are a wide range of potential options for a US graduate school.

The number of master’s and doctorate degrees being awarded in the United States is growing. With accredited grad schools throughout the US, each state and grad school has unique features and graduate programs to offer.

Step 3: Graduate School Statement of Purpose

Step 3:

If you’re applying to graduate school, you’ll likely need to submit a statement of purpose. While you may be familiar with a personal statement from your undergraduate application, know that a statement of purpose shares qualities with a personal statement but there are key differences as well.

Step 4: Test Preparation

Step 4:

Need help practicing for the Graduate School Entrance Exams (GRE, GMAT, LSAT, MAT, MCAT, PCAT)? 
If you need to ensure a top score on a graduate school entrance exam, Bethany College offers our students free practice testing through the Learning Express Library. 

For an extensive listing of all test Graduate school entrance exam dates, location, and more click below.

Step 5: Interview Preparation

Step 5:

Many graduate schools require an interview as part of the application process. Graduate school interviews allow university staff to evaluate your potential to succeed in their program.

These interviews might be with a single interviewer or a panel of university staff, and will likely include a mixture of specialized questions about your subject area and general questions about your goals and experience.

Step 6: Funding

Step 6:


One of the many challenges of graduate school is obtaining the funding needed to pay for tuition, fees and living expenses.

Fortunately, there are  organizations that recognize the value of a graduate education, and these parties  help students afford to pursue a Masters or PhD degree through graduate fellowships.


We are pleased that you are interested in learning about scholarship opportunities. Scholarships are a great way to fun Higher Education and Bethany College encourages you to apply to as many scholarships as possible.

Please use this as a resource on your scholarship search.


Note: This is an unofficial list of external funding sources for undergraduate research. Links have not been tested, and some opportunities may no longer exist or may be located elsewhere. 

Not all opportunities are for undergraduates – some may require a graduate or professoriate level PI.

Bethany College Programs

Bethany College

Articulation Agreements

Articulation Agreements are formal agreements (or some would call a partnership) between two or more Colleges and Universities.
Documenting the transfer policies for a specific academic program or degree in general.

Graduate Programs

Bethany’s Master of Education in Teaching and Learning (M.Ed.) 

Program offers full-time graduate students an opportunity to study higher education from both theoretical and practical perspectives. 

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